Thursday, September 14, 2023

Next thing they'll ask is if I want fries with that....which would be less weird.


Howdy ho everyone!  

So this week was my annual women's stuff doctor's appointment.  By the time you get to be my age, and I'm quoting a doctor person on this, "they really aren't all that interested in that part of you."  so really, it's my Biannual women's stuff doctor's appointment.  Except I have been pushing it off, because it's ridiculous, and because it's annoying so, actually, it wound up being my TRIENNIAL women's stuff doctor's appointment.

I won't go into the gory details. If you know, you know and if you don' really don't need to.  

A couple things changed since the last time I was in there for my poke and scrape.  First, my insurance company changed. Hubby got a different job, so I had to go through that whole thing with the card and the copier and all that.

The next thing is I had to sign a sheet saying that this was an appointment ONLY dealing with my annual check up and anything else would be billed separately.  I found this interesting. I mean, what, if I ask a question about menopause, is that separate from the poke and scrape?  

Okay, so I settle with a book, but I don't get to read it because for the first time ever, my doctor isn't in some delivery room someplace.  So we do the weight...yay...and the blood pressure (shockingly good, right on point, which was unexpected because I've had a rough week) and a couple other GYN directed questions from the nurse.  

Then she says something I couldn't believe I was hearing:  "Hey, do you want a tetanus shot today?"

Now, I'm not a genius, and I certainly don't pretend to know much about health insurance.  But I'm pretty sure that I just got upsold on a tetanus shot that did not fall under the canopy of the annual check up.

Oh crap! I asked if the piped in music was new...I'm so totally getting billed for that.

This is the weirdest combo platter of medical stuff I've ever been offered.  I didn't even know the GYN nurses knew how to deal with anything other than, you know, female whatnot.

So, hey, why not. I mean, I'm also due for a shingles, flu, and Covid booster.  Just shoot my arm full of all manner of viruses and let's see what happens. Like getting French fries AND onion rings and Cheese curds at Culvers.

Well they just did the tetanus that day. I have to go someplace else for the rest. Although, given how crappy I've felt since I got the shot, I'm wondering what else they put in there. Oh, and of course I can't wait until I see the extra bill for the shot...and the chitchat about the piped in music.

Either The Oscar movies are getting better or my brain is breaking.

  The Oscars, the one and only awards show I watch with any sort of full interest, is airing in a couple of weeks which means that, in spite...