Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Some days you just need to see someone else giggle.

Good evening!

Over the weekend I was beyond blue.  Things around here have sort of been weird, and not in the usual "oh hey, Sarah's going to laugh it off" sort of way.  In fact, I was in the middle of writing a very dark, depressing, not at all funny blog when Hubby invited me to walk to Starbucks with him.  (We have a Starbucks about a mile from our house.  Makes for a nice walk.)  I said, "It's cold, it's gray, it's windy.  I'm not walking to Starbucks."  He said he'd walk there and I should meet him in twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes later I dragged myself away from my very unfunny blog and drove to Starbucks.  He'd already ordered my favorite late in the day beverage, a grande vanilla rooibus tea.  We sat at a table in the middle of the place, which was full of people sitting at their laptops, sort of being social in a very isolated way.

In walk two girls, maybe 16 or 17.  They sort of giggling, the type of giggling girls do when they're in a group and doing something they're not comfortable with, but they're in a group so it's not uncomfortable it's funny.  They went to a woman behind me, and put a small cake on the table.  It was the kind of cake that you get at bakeries, sometimes it's brownies, sometimes it's a cake in a foil pan.  They said something about random acts of kindness...it was hard to hear because they were giggling so much.  The lady at the table said thanks, and they left the table, giggling.  

The girls then went to the counter and ordered a drink, giggling the whole time.  By this time Hubby and I were looking around, but obviously the laptop crowd hadn't exactly picked up on the fact that something pretty fun was happening.  The girls took the drink over to another lady at a laptop and said something again about random acts of kindness.  This time the lady explained she couldn't drink anything with caffeine in it.
(Wait, you're at a STARBUCKS!)  So the girls were now confused...in a very vocal, giggling way.

They ran out of the store, giggling the whole way.  Hubby spotted the adult with them, some youth group leader or something.  (Hubby is our church youth group leader, so he knows the look.)  The leader sent those girls back in the place with the drink.  Doggone it, they were going to bestow a beverage on SOMEONE.  

They found another lady, handed her the drink, and, covering their faces with their hands, giggled out of the store.  By that point it was hard for anyone to ignore them, and there was a general murmur of social approval before everyone went back to their laptops.

The lady with the cake, well, come on, she's not going to sit at a Starbucks and eat a cake, she gave it to the Starbucks employees, explaining that she wasn't headed home any time soon, and she didn't want the cake to go to waste.  The lady who wound up with the drink did drink it and seemed pleased.

As for me, I got into my car and on my windshield was a pink sticky note that said, "have a blessed day" and it was written in that loopy, giggly handwriting teen girls tend to have.

I felt a little brighter for a bit, which is saying something given how the past few weeks have been.  The sticky note is on my dashboard and every time I look at it I think of those two girls giggling.

They'll never know how big their random act of kindness was for me.

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