Thursday, December 26, 2019

2019 Resolutions Report Card (Just so you can feel good about yourself!)

Hello everyone!  Here's hoping your holiday season is going well.   With Christmas in our rear view mirror now (How did it go so quickly?  I've been working on it since August!)  it's that fun time of year again when many of us sit down and evaluate what we need to change about ourselves next year.  For fun, I thought I'd go back to my resolution list and give myself a report card.  You know, accountability is the only way to learn.  Or something like that.  So, here are the resolutions I made a year ago, and how I did.

1)  Average 12,000 steps every day.  

2019 Results:  I was actually getting over 12,000 steps a day most of the time until June when I found out I'd torn a tendon in my foot and wound up wearing a walking boot and physical therapy until October.  Realizing it's an unrealistic goal at this point for me, I've dialed back my steps. Now I focus on a weekly average between 65Kand 70K steps and really work on getting 40-45 minutes of active time.  Overall, had I not torn my tendon still probably would not have kept up with the 12K steps a day, so I'm giving myself a C- here.

2)  Drink more water.

Nope.  Was doing great until it got cold and my water drinking level dropped way off.  Gotta give myself a D-  Will have to work on this again in 2020

3)  Be more disciplined with my writing.

Well, yes and no.  I'm not more disciplined because of anything I did.  When I cranked out my birthday/Christmas wish list for my family I asked for a cleaning service to do the kitchen and the bathrooms so I would have more writing time.  Hubby stepped up. He takes care of the bathrooms B+.
now (the kitchen is still pretty much up for grabs, but he's a big help there too) and I've got a writing schedule posted on the kitchen menu board. I don't always follow it, but it's there, and participating in Nanowrimo this year really got me into the frame of brain to sit down for set amounts of time and work on a project. I've managed to complete much of my portion of a 4th movie review collection and I'm well along with a new novel that's going to shake my reading fans' cores.  Thanks to hubby's help, I'm giving myself a

4)  Take care of my health issues inside and out.

This is something I attacked with a vengeance.  I began a course of iron infusion treatments that have really helped my energy level. While I don't manage my iron and ferritin levels well, and I'll probably need more infusions along the way, I'm less in need of long naps every day. I can make it through a whole day without a nap if I need to.

I also got on top of my mental health by starting to work with a therapist on a regular basis.

I'm still gaining weight instead of losing, my stomach still bothers me from time to time, and my arthritis is still an issue, but overall I'm on my way to better health and better self care.  Giving myself a B+  (had I lost weight instead of gaining, I would have hit an A.)

5)  Read 21 books.

We have a week to go and I'm almost done reading two more books which means, yes, I will reach my goal of 21. My goal on Goodreads is actually 24, and if I count the book I wrote this year ("Freed on the Fox") I might just hit that goal. And not one kid's book on the list!  So yes, I get an A for this.

6)  Be more patient all around.

I think I was more patient.  Although...if you talk to my family members maybe not. I continue to wrestle with certain issues I want fixed RIGHT NOW.  I have trouble putting those things in God's hands and letting Him handle it all in His time.   So I guess I'm slightly more patient with people, not so much with God.  What kind of grade does that earn?  Let's go with a C.

Next week I'll be announcing a new list of resolutions, hopefully my reviews at the end of 2020 will be a little less mixed!  But hey, if we all completed our resolutions every year, what a boring world this would be because we'd all be perfect. And I would have no reason to write this blog.


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