Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Truly, truly this is something that could only happen to me.

Good afternoon everyone!

Okay, so here in the US we're "social distancing" which, for us, apparently means we're all meeting in the toilet paper aisle of every grocery store.

Admittedly, things have gotten very strange for a social country like the US.  Several states have gone on full on "shelter in place" lockdown while others, like Wisconsin, are still reminding their folks to wash your hands, cover your coughs, and don't stand so close to the guy in front of you.

Basically, everything your kindergarten teacher taught you.  (Guess what, I still haven't found a use for algebra...)

But for me, in this weird new world, stuff just got weirder.

Of course it did, Sarah, tell us how!

Well, before I do, remember one thing: Long ago, when I set up this blog, I made a promise to myself and my readers that I would always tell the truth and I would always share, no matter how gruesome or potentially embarrassing a topic might be. My goal has always been to laugh at myself and my pitfalls so that someone else going through the same problems might be able to laugh as well.

I believe in that I've earned your trust.

Today's topic, yes, is going to be a bit touchy and a little gross. But it's not what you think, really.  So, readers like my friends, Todd, you've been warned, but really, we aren't getting into a "GIRL TALK ONLY" kind of topic, even though it might feel that way at first.

Let's just dive in shall we?

I have contracted a yeast infection in my armpits.

I'll stand over here and let that sink in.  But let me also just share this headline, which is what came up when I googled "can I get a yeast infection in my armpits?"

It started a couple months ago.  No, who am I kidding?  It started 52 years ago when I was born and stuff just started happening to me. But this latest affliction...some years back I started having itchy skin.  I've chronicled that in this blog.  So a couple months ago when my armpits started itching, I thought very little of it. And when little bumps popped up on my skin, again, I thought little of it. I have some skin tags, which are super sexy, I figured these were just more of that.

When my armpits started looking like this:
 I thought maybe I should try something other than baby oil to soften the skin and ease the itch.

Baby oil didn't work. Baby oil gel didn't work.  Cetaphil cream didn't work. Neosporin with itch relief didn't work, finally, some fairly expensive analgesic cream we found in the health an beauty aisle at Meijer...did not work.

What I was noticing, however, a certain yeasty fermented dough type scent emitting from, well, me.  I've always loved the smell of baking bread, I figured my body had just taken on a sort of nice natural smell now that I wasn't covering it with deodorant (if Matthew McConaughey can do it, why can't I?)

And then this morning, as I was again scratching the living life out of my armpits, it hit me.  I have a yeast infection...but not in a normal place.

Thanks to social distancing and the fact that I'm a bit down today (having discovered that while everyone is locking themselves away because of Covid 19 I'm dealing with...this.) hubby, who already had to be out, picked up some yeast infection crème for me which I'm now applying and which, hopefully, will cure my ailment. The tube says 7 to ten days...but I've never used it on my pits.  

So there's that.

1 comment:

Either The Oscar movies are getting better or my brain is breaking.

  The Oscars, the one and only awards show I watch with any sort of full interest, is airing in a couple of weeks which means that, in spite...