Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wearing masks: It's all in how you look at it.

 Hello everyone!

This is quite possibly the last blog you're going to get from me in a while. For those of you who know me, or who have been on this blog for a bit, you know that November is National Novel Writing Month or NANOWRIMO.  (And for those of you pondering writing a novel...this is a great way to jump start your project, PLUS IT'S FREE!)

Nanowrimo means that any writing I do in November, and actually starting this week, has to be dedicated to my newest work in progress "DEAL WITH THE DEVIL"  which is a continuation of the Rock Harbor Chronicles, specifically, Fresh Ice. I'm beyond excited to share the next generation of Rock Harbor stories...especially this time around because I get to bring back a couple favorite characters.  (Will we find out if Cat and Benny really named their daughter Thorina? Does Dave at 'Dirty Dog Dave's' have a romantic past of any kind?  And who, exactly, is Leon McNeon?)

But I'm not here to toot my own literary horn today. No, I have to make a comment on something that's fairly serious and yet...I'm not understanding why all the fuss and bother.

Of course I'm talking about WEARING THE MASKS.

A number of months ago, we were told we should wear face coverings to control the spread of COVID-19.  Well, if you look around the world today, (yes, even countries that aren't the US are having trouble controlling it, for those of you who want to just grumble about the US), you'll note that mask wearing has become a hot button political topic on the level of abortion or gay marriage.  

No, I'm not here to talk about either of those topics. This is about masks. Stay with me here.

People, and by people I mean especially women, what is the big deal?  It's a bit of cloth that, quite frankly, covers some REAL PROBLEM AREAS for us people of the female persuasion.  Don't believe me?  Ponder this:

Got a stubborn chin hair/lip hair issue and can't carry a razor/waxing strips/NAIR bottle with you everywhere?  MASK

Got a crooked smile you've never liked? MASK...and a Tyra Banks inspired "smile with the eyes."

Got an extra chin or two? MASK

Need a nifty little accessory for your ensemble? MASK

Winter's coming and you hate having a cold face, but really don't like the scratchy wool blends of scarves? (Why is this even a question?)  MASK

PEOPLE!  (and by "people", I mean everyone reading this blog)  why are we wasting precious time, energy, and goodwill shouting about wearing a mask?  Do not think of this as a political issue.  Do not think of this as a health issue (because apparently health is also political).

Just as with everything else in life, the amount of shrill screaming you participate in regarding the mask is directly linked to your attitude.  So buckle up, Snowflakes, Boomers, and everyone else,  I'm about to change your attitude and make the world a better place!  (And my mother never thought I'd do anything...)

When, in the history of our lives, have we been able to not only cover up problem areas, but do so in a really cute way?  When have we been so very able to express ourselves without saying a single word?  When have we been able to start a conversation with a stranger (right at at a 6 foot distance of course) about our favorite sports teams, movies, tv shows, catch phrases, whatever?

When have we been able to coordinate and outfit while also protecting our lips from the harshness of winter?

When have we had such an attractive barrier to our bad breath after an onion bagel breakfast?


Not since the invention of the printed T-shirt have we had such a wide open way to express ourselves!  And, if you think about it, wearing face masks does NOT contribute to Tim Gunn's horror:  The Schlubifying of America!


My mask collection is pretty big for someone who leaves the house roughly three times a week.  It started with a simple polka dotted thing I got on eBay.  I now have six or seven masks, including TWO FORMAL mask, appropriate for a wedding or a formal business meeting (not that I ever have a formal business meeting, but you get it.)  I have a fun "Friends" mask that gets a lot of comments and of course, this being American Football Season, I have 2, count them, 2 Green Bay Packers masks.  Oh yeah, I also have a "Sarah the Author" mask for any book club/book signing appearances that might break out yet this year. (A girl can hope.)

Maybe you're someone who doesn't like wearing the mask because you only have yucky disposable masks to wear. Maybe you need to branch out a bit, and also support individual artists by finding masks hand crafted for websites like Etsy or eBay.  (I have done both.) You can shop at your favorite T-shirt website, or you can just google a tv show/movie/sports team and the word MASK and see what comes up! Find a mask you like. Sure, it might take a couple dollars and a little experimenting when it comes to the ear straps or what style you like best, but TRUST is impossible to be in a bad mood while wearing a mask with your favorite "Princess Bride" movie quote.  

Masks, unlike t-shirts, jerseys, and the like, tend to be very affordable and SMALL, so, you know, STOCKING STUFFERS!  (Or, for those of you who celebrate Hanukkah, I'm told a mask would be a very nice gift for one of the 8 nights.)  I do not know one single person who isn't running around saying, "Boy, I need just a small gift for Great Aunt Blah Blah."  Well, here you go...a gift for GREAT AUNT BLAH BLAH and all the other BLAH BLAH relatives that are on your shopping list.

There is literally a shop called the Christmas Face Mask Shop

Now, sure, some can argue that wearing a face mask means giving up freedom, that it's a sign of tyranny, that it's the government trying to control us.

Well, hey.  We're forced to wear shirts and shoes in buildings for far more arbitrary reasons than we wear masks.  

And, unless you're s surfer stoner from an 80's movie like Mr. Spicolli, you wear the shirt and shoes and make jokes about not wearing pants.  (Because we're all 8 years old and that's always a funny joke.)

So look. One blog isn't going to change the world. (My mother was right.)  But think about it, what takes more effort and makes the world a less happy place to live?  Griping about wearing a mask.  What makes your day brighter and covers that pesky little 5 o'clock whisker set you've got going on?  Wearing a fun mask.  

Anyone who's known me longer than a day knows my mantra:  Attitude is 95% of the game.  Well, have a good attitude, pick up some fun masks from an independent artist or custom design one yourself at my favorite website:  Vistaprint, and guess what?  Your life, and the lives of those around you might just suck a tiny bit less!

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