Monday, August 14, 2023

In my defense, Gordon Ramsey never said NOT to do this!


Hello and howdy!

So...there's been one, okay, maybe two, kitchen disasters this past week in the Bradley kitchen.  And before anyone asks, no, I didn't take pictures. Why would I do that?

The first one I've been pretty up front about:  I managed to make a meatloaf so disgusting, we couldn't eat it.  

How does one ruin meatloaf?  

That's a fair question.  I mean, I've been making meatloaf for decades, and I make pretty good meatloaf. I'm not bragging. I do.  I generally mix a couple kinds of ground meat, whatever I happen to have, add eggs, ketchup, dried minced onions, some bread crumbs and I bake.  Out comes dinner.  No fuss no muss.  Generally no leftovers.

And yes, last week, I managed to make a meatloaf Skippy wouldn't eat and Hubby wouldn't taste. That's how bad it was.  It tasted like feet.

What was it?  Well, I had a pound of ground turkey, and then I had like six brats in the fridge. So I took the brat meat out of the casing, mixed it with the turkey and all the other stuff I dump in a meatloaf. It was a bit pale, but otherwise looked right.  Then I baked it.

The end result?  Skippy took a bite and asked, "So, how do we feel about the meatloaf tonight?"

I'd already tasted it and was dialing up Marco's for pizza.

Okay, that was number one.

Number two...well, I haven't told anyone about this.  But I did something with eggs that wound up making such a mess, I actually threw out a space rug from the kitchen.

Here's how this went down:  I was alone Saturday afternoon. I'd just gotten done with Farmer's Market and I looked in the fridge. I had two raw eggs just sitting there because my 18 egg carton wore out and these two didn't have a home in the 12 egg carton I'd just bought.  so, rather than leaving two raw eggs in the fridge to make a mess (I'm thinking here) I decided that for lunch I'd have egg salad. I just had to boil the eggs.  

But I was in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen and didn't want to take the cover off the stove because I had a bunch of stuff piled on there and it would take too long.  So...

I got my handy dandy microwave pot from Pampered Chef out , put some water in there, and put the eggs in as well. Popped the lid on and into the microwave it went.

For three minutes. You know...because I didn't want an over boil mess in the microwave.

Well three minutes passed and I knew those eggs were in no way going to be hard boiled. But there was no over boiling, so that was good. I put it in for another 3 minutes and went about my business peeling the ears of corn I'd bought at the Market.  

Fun fact. I can clean four ears of corn in one minute 23 seconds. I know this because when the timer on the microwave hit one minute 37 seconds, the eggs exploded with a force that blew the top off the microwave pot and blew the microwave door open.  

I'm not saying it was a mess.  I am saying I considered buying a new microwave.  It was like two sulfur bombs exploded and there were tiny bits of egg white, yolk, and shell shrapnel all over the immediate area.  

I think it's a testament to how much of a mess I am in the kitchen that I didn't even swear or anything. I just looked at the microwave, dripping with egg shards, and calmly made three decisions.

1) I was going to finish peeling the last two years of corn.

2) I was going to light a couple highly scented candles.

3) The space rug immediately below the microwave was going to be the catch all when I did cleanup and I was then going dispose of the whole mess as a mobster might a dead body: wrapped in a carpet.

Cleanup took a while, and honestly, I won't be surprised if we find more bits of shell or dried egg lying around in the coming weeks.  

I'd also like to point out that not once on any of his many shows, has Gordon Ramsey said to NOT boil eggs in a microwave!

I think now is a good time to remind you that I recently wrote and published a cook book!  Sarah's Cookbook for Real Humans who would Rather Watch TV than Cook. is available on Amazon in print or digital form. Sorry, the Turkeybratloaf recipe is NOT in there.

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