Friday, February 9, 2024

New Year's Resolutions: Let's see if I can do better this year.


I'm fully aware that it's almost the middle of February, FAR past the time when I give out the grades from my New Year's Resolution from the previous year. In this case, the previous year being 2022.   Oh yes, 2023 was that kind of year.

So here are the resolutions I made in 2022:

5) Stop using my Visa after February 1, 2023.

 Yeah, that's an F.

4) Time at the computer means working or writing. Not shopping.

Please refer to #5.  Also F.

3) Get back on the program!

Okay, I was actually sort of okay with this. I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain anything from my start of 2023 numbers.  Give me a C+.

2) Take a class.

I actually looked around for a class to take.  And then I got bogged down in getting hired by two companies at the same time, quitting my job with Stuff Recovered, and starting at "Stuff Sorted."  So, figuring out 2023's version of applying for and interviewing for jobs and then starting a new job, that's kind of like taking a class, right?  At least I'll give myself a solid D.

1) Replace guilt with self-care.

And we're back to failing.  F

So, in review, 2023 wound up being Three F's, a D and a C+.  Not great. 

I made one simple resolution in 2024.  Ready?


2023 Was kind of rough on the credit cards. I was easing my general sense of depression with online shopping. A LOT of online shopping. A LOT.  So, this year, I've put away my two store cards and promised myself not to online shop with PayPal this year.  

Six weeks in, how am I doing?

Well, I used PayPal one time. In my defense, it was the first time I'd been on eBay in two years and it was muscle memory.

okay, clearly I have no defense. LOL

As for Kohl's, so far, so good.

Torrid, well, I found a wee loophole.  They let me use my Torrid awards and all that even if I pay with my Visa. So...I shopped AT Torrid, but not WITH Torrid.

So, now Lent is upon us, and as you may know, I like to give up something for Lent.  So, here we go:

Yeah, I'm not giving up coffee. That would be silly.

No, here we go:

NO ONLINE SHOPPING FOR LENT.  That's right.  40 days of no online shopping. 

I have to be organized enough to get my book order in for the big event I'm doing in April.  I'm the keynote speaker for the Sisters in Christ Retreat in Michigan April 19-21. So, yeah, I have to get my book order IN before Fat Tuesday.  (That'll be a huge hit on my poor, over-used credit card.)  And then....NO ONLINE SHOPPING for 40 days.

Which will be fine, since I'm trying like the dickens to get my newest MAX MARCHINO novel out by April 1.  I'm way far away from that. So, yes, what I need is 40 days of NO SHOPPING.

Oh, BTW, here's the new cover for the newest book:

Pretty great, right?

So there you have it. I'm doubling down on giving up retailing.  Let's see how we do!

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