Thursday, June 13, 2019

Open Mouth, Insert Franken Boot.

Happy Thursday everyone.

So this will be a quick little blog today because, well, even I can't expand what happened to make it more funny. It is, what it is.

Yesterday, I had a surprise session of physical therapy with PPTB.  I say "Surprise" because I was on the cancellation list and they called me at 6:54 AM and told me to come in.  I was too shocked by a pre-7 AM phone call to say no.  However, I was already dressed.  (This is important to remember as this blog goes on.)

I got to the hospital, checked in, (no fire alarm this time, but there was a guy who was really, really interested in flirting very awkwardly with the sixty year old receptionist), and got into the room with PPTB.

All is normal, right?


He explained that we'd be doing the dry needling again.  I laid on the table, and waited for the almost non-existent pain of the needle sticks.  Except, I felt each and every needle stick this time, almost like PPTB was trying to hurt me on purpose.

"You were so much better at this last time," I quipped. He laughed.  It was a nice laugh, I think, not an evil one. Clearly, he didn't know what was coming.  But then, neither did I.

He poked me again and this time I felt a real electric shock, like I was already hooked up to the "juice box."  (His name for it.)

"So is this more painful because I have metal in my pants today?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was already dressed when they called me, and it's such a hassle to change with Franken Boot that I didn't get into sweat pants this time.  Is that why I'm feeling all this electricity more?"

"What metal do you have in your pants?" he asks.  

"Like the zipper and some grommets," I answer.  

Then I get snarky.  "Actually, I have metal stays up and down each pant leg. "

"Ha, ha," he laughs.

"Sure there's metal in my pants.  What do you have in your pants?"

And that's when PPTB completely lost it and I wanted to pretend the electric current (which hadn't started yet) would knock me out.  (For the record, he didn't answer that.) mouth...insert Franken Boot.

And while you're cleaning up the coffee you just spewed through your nose laughing at this, I'll leave you with this picture of Franken Boot, my shoe selection for my right foot today, and Franken Boot's new eyes.

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