Monday, September 6, 2021

In our defense, it was 4:45 in the morning...


 WARNING:  Today's blog includes a video that may contain salty language. Also, there might be  just a little touch of sacrilege.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

A second blog on the same weekend? Well, sure. Extra long weekend means, extra weird stuff happening at the Bradley manse.  Or, in the case, in the Mighty Cube on the way to the airport.

Hubby's annual trip to the mountains begins today. Many of you know that means last night was the "Don't stress your mother out" speech to Peaches and Skippy.  (Honestly, after last week, I'm REALLY hoping we all just take a lot of naps and eat ice cream for the next two weeks. Or something like that.)  Anyway the kick off to his trip out west is the airport drop off.  Since his flight left at 6-something-AM, we had to be on the road to the airport in the middle of the night. 

Seriously.  I really miss the days of getting to the airport at the last minute and just running onto the plane. 

Okay, that never happened in my real life, or probably anyone else's, but this whole having to get to the airport ages before takeoff, it's just...annoying.

Fortunately, the coffee is generally hot and almost always fresh at Casa Bradley.  And, since it's 2021 and a holiday weekend, the local radio station was playing a massive "party block" of songs, all of which were upbeat, and familiar, and fun.

That's when Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl came on the radio.

I'll admit it, I enjoy that song. And while it was playing, I got to thinking...out loud..."Where is THIS generation's cheerleader song?"

I mean, come on. My generation had "Mickey."  Remember "Mickey?"

And Peaches' generation had the much saltier, slightly less innocent, "Hollaback Girl." 

But where is the cheerleader song today?  

To which, Hubby said, "There probably is one.  They just don't play it on the radio stations we listen to."

True. I listen to the local ROCK station in the mornings, you know, for Bob and Brian. On Saturdays, when I'm not at the farmers' market, I listen to the call in request show on 88nine radio Milwaukee (For reasons that have nothing to do with today's blog). On the way to church on Sundays, we tune in to K-Love (Contemporary Christian Hits, for those of you not familiar.)  And that's it for me for radio.

"Yes," says I.  "They wouldn't have a cheerleading song on K-Love. I mean, what would that even sound like?"

And then my brain, my sleepy, coffee-soaked brain, started working the way it does sometimes and I started singing, not with the radio, no, with the tune to "Micky."  And this is what came out of my mouth...

"Oh Jesus, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind! Hey Jesus, hey hey Jesus!"

In case anyone out there is pondering this, Hubby suggested the video could also be just like "Micky." Just put a big "J" on the cheerleaders' sweaters, and you're good to go.

So there's that. 

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