Friday, October 15, 2021

Five for Friday: Here's a challenge!

 Hello and Happy October everyone!  (Yes, I realize we're halfway through October...whatever.)

There are a lot of other things I'm not doing this month either. But, I AM doing this thing:  

If you're in the New Berlin, WI, area TOMORROW, 10-16-21, come on down, check out my titles including my NEWEST:  Deal with a Devil

Okay, anyway, today's Five for Friday was inspired by a bunch of stuff I've managed to try (and fail) to do recently.  Yes, you are going to be tempted to try this stuff too.  Go ahead, do it. Especially if you're at work. Really give this stuff the good old college try.  Your co-workers will thank you!

5)  You can't put your elbow in your ear.

This is an old one, I think I got it from a TV commercial talking about cleaning your ears (clearly it was ANTI-Q TIP)  but recently I thought of it and had to give it go. Fail.  Give it a try.  See if you, like me, manage to 

4)  You can't tickle yourself.

I had ridiculously ticklish feet.  Just ask the few brave women who have given me pedicures over the years.  BUT, I can do whatever I want to my feet without nary a giggle.

3) You can't snap your toes.

Actually, I can do this.  It freaks Hubby out.  Go ahead. Try snapping your toes like you would your fingers.  I can...but I bet you CAN'T.

2) You can't smell or taste something disgusting without needing to share it.

It's not that we want to cause our loved ones discomfort. Or maybe we do. Humans are weird. But we've all been there, right? We've all opened that container in the fridge that smells like it came out of a Vincent Price movie and we say, "Oh wow, this is gross. Here smell this!

Did you taste something horrible?  I know, just like I know my own waist size, that you've turned to the person closest to you at the table and said, "This is so awful, you have to taste this!"

We can't help ourselves. Misery loves company.  If your pet barfs or craps in the house, you know, YOU KNOW, you're narrating everything as you clean it up, so everyone within 50 feet of you knows just how horrible the smell and texture are.  

"OH WOW, that cat vomit is REALLY juicy this time! It must be fresh!  CAT, what on earth are we feeding you that this smells so bad?  Did you eat rotting fruit? What is this?"

My challenge: The next time you come across something that smells or tastes terrible...keep it to yourself. Don't try to get your loved ones in on the fun. You'll fail, we all do, but try.

1)  You can't measure your own inseam.

This is actually the reason for this whole blog. You know that lovely, dreamy in between time in the morning when you're not really awake, but not asleep anymore?  Most people enjoy the remnant of a nice dream or, if you're my mother and it's the 1980's, you wake up wondering what you're going to defrost for dinner.  Not me. Nope. Couple days ago I drifted awake and realized I was bent in a weird way, as if trying to...measure my inseam.

Guess what, I couldn't. And neither can you!

Okay, so there we go.  5 things you absolutely cannot do. As an observer of humanity, I think I can confidently predict that you're going to spend at least five minutes today trying all five of them.  At the very least I will have distracted you from whatever you're supposed to be doing.

My work here is done.

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