Friday, December 31, 2021

It's Resolution Time!


Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, it's not quite 2022.  The frenzy of Christmas and other holidays is pretty much over. Traditionally, many people party hard on December 31, ringing in the new year with drinking and noise, as if trying to drown out the old year and kicking open the door to something new and better.

Normally I'd be posting my resolution report card, grading myself on how I did on those promises I made to myself and the world last year.  Well, if you recall, I didn't do that.  Thusly, no grading this year. We all pass!  YAY!

Friends, I'm convinced 2022 is going to be better than her older sisters, 2021, and that hag, 2020.  But it's going to take all of us working together to make it so. This is beyond the usual "lose weight/stop spending money I don't have" usual stuff.  We need to put some work into ourselves and each other. Therefore, here are my resolutions for 2022:

1)  Continue working the #Noomweightloss program; and share it with others so they can see the amazing health benefits by simply understanding our relationship with food. (I'm down 30 pounds since May and while I haven't lost any measurable weight in the last two months, I haven't gained anything either, which, during the holidays, is amazing.  The plan works, my friends.) 

2) Enjoy drinking coffee black. Since I have an issue with dairy, and I have yet to find a non-dairy coffee creamer that's worth the red calories, I've started just drinking it black.  I'm not quite there yet, but it's a step.  I'm pretty sure Peaches will respect me more!

3) Learn to empathize, not apologize.  This is big for me. I apologize for literally everything.  I say, "I'm sorry," more than I say anything else on any given day.  I have to learn I'm not to blame for every ache and pain.  Hubby will be happier with me if I stop apologizing for everything every minute of the day!

4) Help without smothering.  Skippy and Peaches will both cheer at this one. I do tend to overdo it when I sense someone needs a bit of help.

5) Educate myself about those who are different from me.  It's a big world out there.  Not everyone looks, thinks, loves, or worships the same way I do.  And everyone is dealing with a multitude of challenges about which I know nothing.  I want to learn so I can reach out and be a helpful, friendly, loving person without causing offense or hurting someone's feelings.

6)  Finish the darn book!  (Oh, you knew that one was coming.)  I did not make writing a big priority in needs to be this year. I have plans, big plans, for the next phase of my writing career.

In conclusion, Happy New Year everyone.  Be safe tonight.  Be smart.  

And hey, it's okay if we don't fully realize our resolutions this year.  

But I think, if we are good to each other, if we are kind, if we smile instead of frown, cheer instead of jeer, and help each other up instead of pushing each other down, we are going to be okay. We don't have to agree with each other. We don't even have to understand each other completely.  All we have to do is be respectful. Be kind. 

(One of my favorite Bible passages. I'm sure other religions have a similar command in their holy books.  I would love to hear them!)

And with that, my friends and readers, I close out 2021.  Here's to 2022...may she suck less and make us laugh more that her older sisters!

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