Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What Sarah Did This Summer: Part 4 A divinely placed apple and the second coming of Elsie W.


Part four:  A divinely placed apple and the second coming of Elsie W.


                Those of you who have been reading this blog for some time know that Hubby takes a two week break from it all and goes to Colorado to stay in the mountains with his sister and her husband.  And, if you’ve been paying attention, you also know that over the years, weird stuff tends to happen when hubby goes away.

                Some of the highlights:

                Peaches moved to her first apartment and I had to rent a UHAUL and then a bunch of kids to help move. I can barely drive in reverse in my own car, so my friend Sparkle had to back the UHAUL into my driveway.

                Skippy’s car’s axle snapped in half a block from house in the middle of a torrential downpour. 

                After enjoying a couple adult beverages and a movie, Peaches shaved her head…and I had to help clean of up the patches she couldn’t reach.

                I gave Skippy the task of clearing out the weeks in a large patch of the back yard. Obviously the only smart decision was to burn the weeds down.  Fortunately for us, we didn’t have any lighter fluid, and had to try burning green weeds with lamp oil. Spoiler alert…it doesn’t work.


                Anyway, so my point is that weird stuff, comical stuff, or tragic stuff tends to happen when Hubby’s calming presence isn’t close by.  The kids and I would probably spin off the globe if it weren’t for Hubby.  Which is why, every time he goes to Colorado, he gives the kids the “don’t do anything that will make your mother crazy” speech.

                This year was no different, except that this year I was working OUTSIDE the house, which meant that the opportunity for crazy was far higher.  And, true for form, something weird did happen:  I fell down.

I was taking my normal morning walk. It was one of those lovely early fall mornings when it was cool, but not cold and not dark, but the sun was just rising.  I had climbed two hills and was just about at the last turn for home when I stepped on an apple, one that had fallen from a small tree in a front yard, and fell down.  I get points for not swearing. All I said as I fell to the concrete was “ no, no, no…” 

                But yes, yes, yes, I fell.  My left knee and left elbow hit the concrete hard. However, like all adults my age who would rather die than have someone see them lying helpless anyplace, I leapt to my feet and kept walking.  It was too early for even the middle school kids to be out walking, so I doubt anyone saw me. My dignity, what little I have, was intact!

                My elbow was not. I managed to tear the skin open on both my arm and my leg, although there was no damage to my brand new jeans (thank goodness!  It’s very hard to find a 14W in jeans, and honestly, the 16Ws are too big.  Another shout out to Noom.)  I was, however, having a really hard time bending an unbending my elbow.  A normal person would have stayed home and called a doctor.

                I think we all know what I did.

                Sitting at my desk there at Stuff, Empowered, I had trouble doing things.  Like, basic things. Like resting my elbow on the desk, or like bending my elbow. But hey, who needs to use their left elbow? Not me!

                I plowed through work on Monday and Tuesday, but by the end of the day on Tuesday I was sort of done with it all. I was done with the pain. I was done with the exhaustion too. By then I’d been at the job a month and I. Was. Tired.  So, I did what a good employee would do: I burned a paid day off and slept in on Wednesday.

                My plan was to lie on the couch all day and watch movies and heal. I wasn’t going to the doctor, I think you all know me well enough by now to know that wasn’t going to happen.  But, when I emerged from bed after sleeping 12 solid hours, I felt like I had to DO something. So, I fired my resume off to three more places, this time to jobs that were part time. Ten minutes later I had a phone call from…let’s call him Matty from a small tech company in town. They needed a part time office person like…yesterday. Could I come in that day for an interview.

                I hadn’t planned on getting out of my jammies, but sure, why not.  I tarted up, put on my “first interview” outfit and headed over.  I talked to Matty for an hour.  Wow, did they need a person. Not so much an office person as an office mom. Two computer wizards and Matty, who was running the office, but really just wanted to quick working forever. I’ll go into more detail about the weirdness of that interview and the job in another blog.  But here’s the highlight: Part time, 20-24 hours a week, $18 an hour, and once I was done with my work for the day I could read, right, watch movies, whatever. They just needed someone to answer the phone and talk to anyone who walked through the door.


                Especially since, upon returning to work the next day, I had a new pod mate. 

How does one describe her?

                Well, she brought in two large Walmart bags full of candy.  She was carrying a Starbucks coffee taller than she was, and half of it was whipped cream.  When she got into her cubicle, she proceeded to unpack all of her candy and snacks and whatnot, and then she proceeded to start eating.

                And eating.

                And eating.

                OH MY DEAR LORD… IT’S ELSIE W!

                (for those of you who don’t know Elsie W, you’re going to have to go back to the early posts of this blog, or buy one of the two books I wrote about her.)

                But yes, friends, my new pod neighbor was the second coming of dear old Elsie.

                She showed up late.  She didn’t pay attention to anything anyone said to her. She always had a better solution to whatever someone told her to do.

                Oh, and remember the F12 button?  Well, they didn’t use F12 at Stuff, Empowered, they used a VA03, which like the most common code used to access information there. When I last checked, she’d been there a month and still couldn’t remember VA03.

                But in all my days, I’ve never, ever seen anyone put away more sugar than New Elsie W.  For training, while she was supposed to be taking notes at other people’s desks, she took big bags of candy…the chewy kind like starburst. You know, the exact kind of candy you should NOT eat when you’re training for a busy phone job.

                Oh, but it gets better. (For those of you thinking this is bordering on gossip, I don’t gossip. What I do is observe and report.  And that’s what I’m doing now.)

                Red had to train New Elsie. W.  Poor Red.  Not learning VA03 and the candy thing wasn’t even the half of the problem with N.E.W.  Nope, the biggest problem was the…sleeping.

                See, once thing I learned in teacher school is that what goes up must come down.  What eats candy from dawn to noon must, MUST crash immediately before lunch.

                Picture this if you will:  Stuff, Empowered keeps the office cold.  Now, most people wear sweaters. Some will keep a blanket at their desk for those long afternoons of typing when you can just wrap up in a blanket at your desk and stay warm.

                And there are those few…those very fun few, who wrap up in the blanket and wear it everywhere they go.  Guess which group N.E.W. belongs to?

                The best part, it was a Baby Yoda blanket. 

                Did I mention N.E.W. was very, very short. Not like little person short, because that would be wrong to poke at her height then. No, she was just short. The top of her head was just barely visible over the standard cubicle divider. Basically, she was a Hobbit, wrapped in a Baby Yoda blanket, eating candy all day and sleeping half the time.

                First weeks I was at Stuff Empowered, I was terrified to have anything on my desk, including my phone, because, you know, rules. But not N.E.W. Nope, she had zero terror. She brought her phone along with the big bag of candy and then scrolled through her social media while Tucker, Jasper, Molly, and a host of other team members were trying to train her.  Sleeping and scrolling and snacking while wrapped in a blanket.

                Hm. You know, Elsie had a couple daughters.  I should have asked NEW what her mom’s name was.  They say the Starburst fruit chew doesn’t fall far from the tree.

                So I’m sitting at my desk, across the way from the blanketed NEW who has all four food groups at her desk: Sugar, chocolate, coffee, and energy drinks.  (How was she not having a heart attack every day?) and I ‘m watching her scroll to her heart’s content, except when she’s firing off giggle inducing messages to her BFF, Trixie, one of Jasper’s pod mates. Trixie was also a non-stop eater, but her food of choice was salty snacks.

                Remember how Stuff Empowered didn’t give anyone garbage cands under their desks because they wanted us to talk to the centrally located cans, thereby forcing us to get up and get blood flow back into our feet?  Yeah, well NEW was having none of that. Upon hearing she wasn’t going to be given a can, she took to dumping her trash in a Walmart bag handing on the coat hook in her cube (so attractive) and periodically, as it filled during the day, she hobbited herself over to Trixie’s cube to dump it in the can Trixie brought from home.

                The centrally located can was 11 steps from NEW and my desks.  Trixie’s desk was three steps from the centrally located cans. That means NEW couldn’t be bothered to walk an extra three steps.

                The minute NEW landed in the cube across from mine, my mind was made up. I didn’t care about the giant pay cut (because fewer hours) or the lack of benefits or the fact that I was literally going to be working for the Wizard of Oz.  I needed to get out of there before NEW’s sugar addiction crossed over to my cubicle and I gained back the 35 pounds I spent the last year losing.  Thanks to a divinely snt apple and the new girl, I’d finally realized cubicle life wasn’t for me.


NEXT UP:  Goodbye Stuff Empowered, Hello Stuff Recovered.


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