Wednesday, April 12, 2023

These are the thoughts in Sarah's head.


Good morning!

It's been a minute since I've done a proper blog about the ridiculousness of life and there's a good reason:  my life just stopped being ridiculous.

Skippy and Hubby have been picking up their meds at the pharmacy on their own, so I'm not standing in line for that. In fact, I'm not standing in line for much anymore. great stories about how insane people are standing in line.  That was what, like 70% of my blogs?

I started a job here at Stuff, Recovered, back in October, and I work part time at the moment so it's taken me a few months to get into the groove of the quirks of this company and the rest of the building we're in.  And oh yes, there are quirks.

I'm not going to get into all the quirks, but it's been interesting, because our office suite is at the end of the line of a number of townhouse type office suites.  I see all the cars come in and out. I see everyone go get their mail. And, best of all, I know exactly who is getting lunch at the Cousins' subs across the street.

More about that later.

Today I wanted to share a handful of random thoughts I've had in the last half hour.  No explanation.  Just the thoughts.  Draw your own conclusions.

In the absence of actual job stress, I'm pretty sure I create my own, just for fun.

This is the tenth time I've picked up my coffee cup to drink, and it's empty. What do I think, Jesus has somehow put more coffee in the cup when I wasn't looking? Or maybe Jesus is watching me, trying to get coffee out of an empty cup, and He's up there, in heaven, drinking coffee from a full cup, and laughing at me.

Do I really like coffee, or do I like coffee memes so much I drink something every single day that I don't actually like?  

I just found out today that the people outside my office window can see me staring at them. Will this stop me from staring?  

Do the people in my building really like Cousins Subs or do they use it as a excuse to walk past my window and taunt me with their food while I eat my sad home made sandwich?

I just took another drink from my empty cup.  Seriously.

There. That's my last half hour of work.  So...enjoy that...

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