Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 Resolution Report Card

Hello everyone!  For those of who are still celebrating holidays (Boxing Day, Kwanzaa) Happy Holidays to you!  For my American friends, we know this week between Christmas and New Year's as sort of a semi-shut down week. I mean, retail is open, of course.  And medical.  Aaaaaaaaand, yes, my day job is open.  But still, there are a lot of people out there who get to sleep in and do nothing for a couple more days.  Or, conversely, you're stuck at relative's homes for a couple more days and you can come back on Sunday just in time to start back to work.

I digress.

Today's blog is NOT about post Christmas Blues, which I have, but about looking at the resolutions I made for this year and how I did...

To remind you, here are my resolutions from December 31, 2017:

1)  Give up French Fries.

Yeah...I did it for Lent last year.  Not easy.  But let's face it, the art of making a good French Fry is dying and really I'm only in it for the mayonnaise or ketchup.  So...let's just give those up for a year.

Well, this one was up and down. I've been very streaky in when I am and when I am not off fries.  I would give myself a strong C-.  I haven't failed, but I have eaten enough fries this year to keep me from being proud of myself.

One a brighter note, I gave up bread for Lent this year, which was tough, but I've stayed away from much of my previous bread consumption (I'm down to less than one serving a day).

2)  Increase daily step goal to 12,000.

Just means more marching at 11 PM while watching "The Tudors"...again.

This I have done.  The vast number of my days have registered at 12K or more steps per day. The last two weeks haven't been my best, but overall, I believe I've achieved this one. Give me an A-.

3) Go to the gym more than I did in 2017.

Shouldn't be hard...since I'm pretty sure the number I have to beat is a single digit and we have 365 days for me to get it done.  On a related note, watch for me to really get my workouts going well about December 14.

I actually also managed to complete this one. I did attend the gym more than I did in 2017. And then I cancelled my membership this summer because, who are we kidding?  A for getting there, but stick an asterisk on this one because I did cancel.

4)  Drink more water.

This year I'm not going to count the ice I put in all my mixed beverages as water consumption.  I'm also pretty sure I can't count the water I use in coffee...since I also add creamer.  And I'm not giving up dairy.  We all know that's not going to work in my world.

This has been up and down.  There are days I get over 64 ounces and days I do not.  I give myself a B, although my doctor, who believes I should actually be drinking 128 ounces a day, would give me a D-...

I'm still very aware of drinking water and have cut my soda intake down to less than one 12 ounce can per week.  I've also completely cut out artificial sweeteners and I've dropped my adult beverage consumption to 1 per week on average.

5)  Take all my supplements every day.

2017 proved to my I can't just do a "catch up day" on Thursdays with one big giant, vomit inducing day of vitamins.  Not really getting the best benefit out of that, I think.

I decided to stop taking supplements altogether in 2018. They made me nauseous.  That said, my doctor is insisting I get back on the iron and I've started taking Vitamin C. So maybe cutting down on the number of supplements will help in 2019.  I'm giving myself a D- on this one, because I did actually take them every day for a while, but then stopped completely.

There you have it. Much like school, my report card surprisingly up and down.  But isn't that like life?

I've got a couple more days before I have to cough up new resolutions.  Let's see if I can be more creative!

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