Monday, December 31, 2018

The things I'm going to attempt in 2019...

Good evening!

I'm not sure how it happened, but here we are...New Year's Eve. 

I'm also not sure who decided New Years' Resolutions should be a thing...but it's that time of year again, that time when we all sit down and promise to ourselves we are going to be better, healthier, nicer, more productive people in the new year. "AND THIS TIME I MEAN IT!"

I'm old enough to know that swearing I'm going to lose 50 pounds this year means nothing.  And I'm not going to learn a foreign language in one year.  So, here are my New Year's Resolutions:
1)  Average 12,000 steps every day.  

Last year I upped my goal to 12K a day, but of course didn't make it every day.  (Today is a glowing example of that since I've been in bed with chills and aches since noon.)  So this year my goal is to AVERAGE 12K a day each week. Right now I hover around 10-11K most weeks, so this will take an effort.

2)  Drink more water.

I'm averaging about 65 ounces a day, which is good, but according to my doctors, not good enough. My goal for 2019 is average 80 ounces a day by the end of year.

3)  Be more disciplined with my writing.

Fairly nebulous, but I've been a bad, bad girl this year, moving the deadline for "Freed on the Fox" back and back and back several times with no reason other than I'm too unfocused to write it.

4)  Take care of my health issues inside and out.

I have no idea why I'm exhausted all the time, but 2019 is when I find out.  I'm going to move forward and I'm not going to give up and ignore my doctor's phone calls.  I'm meeting with a couple specialists in January. 2019 is when I figure it out.

5)  Read 21 books.

I managed to read 20 this year...but if I'm honest, at least two of those were children's books written by Jimmy Fallon.  So this year, my goal is 21 books, (and not ones I've written) from start to finish.

6)  Be more patient all around.

There are several things I'd like to change in my life...RIGHT NOW.  My final resolution for the year is to be more patient, or at least try to.  What that means, I have no real idea.  But I'm pretty sure I'll be doing deep, cleansing breaths while standing in line at the pharmacy.  I'm fairly certain this will be the first resolution I break in the new year.

So. my friends, we leave 2018 behind us tonight and look forward to 2019 with the bigger hope that it's a better, kinder, simpler, less dramatic year all around.

Unfortunately, for that to be true, quite a few people are going to have to leave Face Book forever.

Here's wishing you all a happy new year!   May 2019 be a good year for you all!

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