Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hubby Comes up with Something Brilliant...and it confuses Sarah.

Good evening!

Well, American Football fans, I'm heartbroken today.  My Green Bay Packers lost a very close, very good championship game and will not be going to the Superbowl this year.

But there's always next year, right?  And speaking of next year, as you know, February 2, a date that is slowly creeping up on us, is the official kick off to "TAKE IT DOWN" season.  I'm rather looking forward to it, since there isn't much else to look forward to here in the northern section of the US.  It's cold, it's gray, the days are short, the snow is sloppy, and the holidays are over.  Which means the lights are no longer twinkling.

It's been a rough winter for me, personally, and I could use a few twinkle lights right about now. I mean, the Packers lost, I lost my job, my house is a mess because being unemployed means you get to dig into all those cleaning and simplifying projects you've been putting off...but it doesn't mean you get to finish them.  So every room has either an empty plastic box in the middle of the room, several piles of books, papers, and general rubbish in a loose stab at sorting, or both.  And the twinkle lights on my house, while they are still up, they are no longer on and our neighborhood looks dreary.

SO pretty!
We are two weeks away from the kick off to my favorite time of the year:  TAKE IT DOWN season, and all I want is a city full of happy, multicolored strings of lights or white icicle lights or a good mix of both.  

Hubby came up with a brilliant idea.  At least, I thought it was brilliant, but now I'm confused. See what you think:

He suggested yesterday that instead of celebrating Christmas on December 25, we extend it to January 25.  That way, the happy twinkle lights could stay up through the worst month of winter, January, and everyone's festive, cheerful mood could continue for another month. Some eateries around here are keeping the lights up as is the City of Waukesha...I love the giant lit up snowflakes...and believe me, it does a heart good to see these lights.  

SO pretty.
He didn't mention it, but it got me to thinking, if we move Christmas, that would ease up the whole
"Happy Holidays" business, because hey, it makes more room for other holidays in December and gives the Christmas folks time after the first of the year to say "Merry Christmas."  Also, think of the retail business, the longer stretch of higher buying, if we extend it into the new year.  

SO NOT pretty!
Christmas doesn't HAVE to be on the 25th of December.  Just because it has been for eons, it can be moved.  I mean, it's not like my birthday...which was set on a date.  Jesus' birthday is celebrated when it is because it sort of lined up with other holiday celebrations.  In short, it was convenient because people were used to partying at that time of year anyway.  Sort of like why your property tax bill shows up in December. People are used to having no money that time of year so it's just one more thing.

My husband might be on to something!

Then I got to wondering what Hubby's motivation in all of this is.

He's not a huge fan of TAKE IT DOWN season.  

He's also in charge of our outdoor lights and it's January 18 and they are still up. He's really going to push the envelop this year!

So, he SAYS we should move Christmas because it would keep the happy lights up longer and he knows I do love those happy twinkle lights.  But if we move Christmas to the 25th of January, then TAKE IT DOWN Season won't start until March 2, and by then most of us have a shot at at least one nice weather weekend when we can get out there and get the lights down.  Which means less yelling out my car window for me.

He might be brilliant, but he has confused me.

Well played, Hubby, well played.

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